Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Web Descriptor file

I was having an annoying problem of the descriptor file not automatically updating with any new servlets that i had created. Turns out i needed to create the project using Dynamic web module version of 2.5 rather that the default 3.1

The reason being is that Servlets 3.0 specification does not require a descriptor file, the details are contained within the class itself.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Tomcat manager's upload file size

I was having trouble deploying coldfusion to my tomcat server, it would just timeout without any kind of display on the browser.

When looking at the log i came across this error

SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.log HTMLManager: FAIL - Deploy Upload Failed, Exception: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size (283599102) exceeds the configured maximum (52428800)
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size (283599102) exceeds the configured maximum (52428800)

Turns out all i needed to do was to increase the upload size in the webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml file

