Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Installing ColdFusion under Tomcat in Ubuntu

ColdFusion doesn't seem to run straight off the bat when installed under Tomcat in Ubuntu. Rather, what I had to end up doing was change the webapps.policy file to give permisions for the application. Essentialy to add this one line of code;

permission java.security.AllPermission;

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Including the pdf in an email

I keep forgetting what the code is, so here it is;
var myDoc = event.target;
myDoc.mailDoc(false, "to", "cc", "bcc", "Subject", "mail body" );
Placing this in the clic\ck event of a button launches the default emailing client and attaches the pdf.

The first parameter can be set to True, thus not requiring the rest of the parameters.