Thursday, April 1, 2010

Connecting Coldfusion 9 to SQL server 2008 Express

I had a bit of a problem when connecting my local instance of Coldfusion to my local copy of SQL server 2008 express.  I had the information correctly in CF admin, however I did not prep my sql server for incoming requests. I had to go to the SQL configuration manager and set the following;

Transfering data from external MS SQL server 2005 to MS SQL Server Express 2008

It was a bit of a pain connecting to an external MS SQL 2005 server so that I could make a local copy of a database on my local machine which had MS SQL 2008 express. I am using SQL server managment studio to connect to the servers. I had no problem connecting to my  local server, and I could connect to the remote server. However, when I would try to browse for the databases I would get an error;

I'm not sure why I weas getting this error as there wasn't anything I saw  connecting the database specified and the database that I was referencing.

However, with a little googling I found the resolution, I had to
  1. Select the "Databases" folder under the server connection
  2. Go to view -> Object Explorer Details
  3. Right click the column headers and deselect "collation"